Caboolture State School fosters children’s learning in a supportive, creative and harmonious environment, preparing them to become lifelong learners and responsible contributing members in our society. As a staff, we value the development of each individual.
At Caboolture state school we use the Australian Curriculum to deliver units of work in each learning area: English, Maths, Science, Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS), Technologies, Health and Physical Education (HPE), The Arts and Languages: Kabi Kabi - local Aboriginal language (Ngara).
To support the teaching and learning within classrooms we use the explicit teaching practices of Learning Goals, Maths warm-ups and High Order Thinking skills. In classes we have a whole school approach to reading, writing, maths and phonological awareness which allows for consistency in teaching and learning to support students as they progress through primary school.
Some useful links for our students.